Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Parking Lot is Finished !

Photo from left: Volunteers Charles Atkinson, Bob Simon, Lloyd Bowman and Milford Smith install fencing around the lot.

Poplar Grove Dedicates New Parking Lot

Thanks to a 50,000 grant from the North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission

Wednesday, Sept. 16th, 8:00AM

On Wednesday, Sept. 16, following its regular 8 a.m. opening, Poplar Grove Farmers Market will mark the dedication of its new parking lot.
The new lot is located on Rt. 17, between Poplar Grove's manor house and Mako's Restaurant. The project broke ground in June and increases the number of parking spaces from 50 to approximately 100. Aside from the grading and filling, most of the work has been done by a core group of volunteers.
Poplar Grove began discussions on improving the parking lot last year when it was determined that the then current arrangement was inadequate. “It was not merely a numbers matter but a safety concern.” said BJ Ryan, Farmers Market Manager. “There were potholes in the driveway, the ground was uneven and parking was disorganized. Now, the lot is level and fencing and signage direct the flow of traffic.”
The nearly 1 acre lot and re- surfaced lanes have already proven their worth. Shoppers, who used to have to hunt for an opening in the grass, now drive into the fenced lot and find clearly marked spaces. “It’s important that we provide adequate and safe parking to meet the needs of the public at the growing market.” says Poplar Grove Director, Nancy Simon “Thanks to the $50,000 grant from the North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission, the new lot has ample space, allowing for van accessible parking and improved vehicle and pedestrian safety” she adds.
The North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission (NCTTFC) was established in 2000 by the NC General Assembly. It manages funds that were part of the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement. The grants awarded target farm areas historically dependent upon tobacco related income. This NCTTFC grant allows for the continued success of the Poplar Grove Farmers Market, and supports North Carolina farmers, small businessmen and the local economy. Popular with tourists and locals alike, the Poplar Grove Farmers Market is visited by more than 15,000 customers annually.
the Poplar Grove Farmers Market is open Wednesdays from 8:00 AM until 1:00PM from mid-April through mid December, and located at 10200 US Highway 17, Wilmington at the Pender County line. Visit the market on line at

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